Locked out… What a great date night!

So Tamara and I had a wonderful date night planned for tonight before I leave for another week of world changers.

Dinner was great and so was dessert at one of Tamara’s favorites (dairy queen).

Unfortunately the weather started to get really nasty so we decided to hurry home only to find all the power out in our neighborhood.

Not a big deal unless your primary entrance into your home is the electric garage door. That’s no biggie either if you have keys to the front door.

Oops… Only Tamara has those and they are on the kitchen table.

So as a write this, my beautiful wife is laying back in the passenger side seat while I google every conceiveable way of breaking into my house.

The power company says they “have a team out there already” which is code for “sorry, you will just have to deal with it.” The estimated time of getting power back is 3 AM which again is code for “who knows? Maybe tomorrow some time.”

So the plan is to sit here in the car. Not the most ideal place to be on the last night we have together for the next 9 days! But isn’t this what makes marriage fun? Or life in general?

I mean I guess we can whine and complain- but no one in this car is listening…. The thunder is drowning it all out.

~ by crosseyedministries on July 17, 2009.

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